
In December, my friend and mentor has gone to the hospital. He is still in there.

My son was also admitted to a hospital last month with a serious injury. Due to his age and good health (and his chosen diet), he came out the same day. He is recovering well.

While I was visiting family last week in Serbia, my father was referred to hospital with Deep Vein Thrombosis. It’s been an ongoing health issue for the last 2-3 years.

So, here I am reflecting on January 2019 when my healing “business” was launched overshadowed with the latest developments.

How does a person split themselves between realities, wishes and possibilities (including timelines and dimensions)? Working with people and always searching for answers, I am discovering that there is SO much more to a human being than the naked eye can see.

What the eye can see is the tip of the iceberg. We have layers of aura around us, our body covers up the intricate internal body system as well as our soul. Our soul connects us to the Divine/God/Source. Our soul is the ever lasting, indestructible energy that keeps on travelling through space and time, collecting experiences and changing form. Our emotions are the world of the own, as is our Ego/rational self.

No wonder it takes us a while to process everything that happens (and a lot does every day). So, we are forever catching up with our mind, body and soul, trying to bring it all together into now/the present moment.

Good luck fellow humans. We’ve got quite a ride ahead of us, before it all comes into balance. First it has to happen within us, in order for it to be around us.

We are co creators of our reality. We are the ones who wanted to experience free will and have never quite grasped the responsibility side of it.

However, the more that we take time to process our thoughts, wishes and emotions, the more we get to understand ourselves and others. The more that we become (by doing the work) conscious of ourselves, the more we consciously choose people, places and circumstances, the more we create our desired reality.

Therefore, I could take the recent events as being a victim of circumstances or as the Universe testing my strength as per my request. These things come at a perfect time for us to show what we’ve learnt and how well we respond (not react) to life’s challenges. And, somewhere along the line, we get rewarded and upgraded to a higher level (of wisdom, strength and consciousness). That’s what the Earth school is all about.

Saying that, I just might choose a different school for my next lifetime. I hope that my next experience is a more enjoyable one. This school has been a bit intense, to say the least.

Stay well and look after yourselves, dear souls.

Love and light,

Angela x.

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