
This topic is a vast one. I could write a whole book about it. And, I just might do it one day as I have made quite a few notes about this particular energetic clearance/initiation.

What needs to be mentioned here was the trauma healing that I have completed prior to the ancestral healing. It was the perfect preparation for what followed. I will write about it in due course.

But, back to talking about my ancestors. As a result of the healing, I now feel a complete continuation of the energy. The best way that I can describe it is like it is a continuous light thread. I/my existence/my life blends into that lineage like the rain merges with the river. It blends in a seamless way and carries on flowing in the same direction. It becomes one.

Some may wonder why would anyone bother clearing up the past? Well, without the past there is no present. And without the present, there is no future. So, I did it for my ancestors, for myself and for all the future generations in my bloodline. Because energy never dies. It just changes form. This means that I have had to learn all of the lessons that my ancestors didn’t master, all of the lessons that I didn’t master in my previous lives and that the following generations would have carried on learning what I didn’t manage to learn.

So, clearing up ancestral karma means breaking the old cycles and creating space for the new energy to enter. In this instance, this new energy represents reconnecting with my soul group/tribe, breaking an ancient vow of self judgment, as well as a family vow that is now re written into living the life of peace, balance and harmony.

My mum had asked me recently, when will I start living my life in the present. I have no excuses left at this point in time. So, I am currently flowing with life and eagerly watching where is it taking me. This is a new chapter, unchartered territory where none has ever stepped in before in my bloodline. I have to have the complete trust in the higher guidance that it is taking me exactly where I need to be every step of the way.

I am sending all of you a lot of love and light to guide you on your journey of self discovery.



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It has been a while since I’ve written a blog. This quarantine has turned my whole world upside down. Perhaps I needed a fresh perspective on life?

Anyhow, I have been doing a lot of internal reflecting during the past 8 weeks, even more than usual. I went deep into my feelings, my relationships, work, past present and future lives. In a word, I overdid it. You can look at it as, I had to do it one last time, before deciding to focus on the here and now.

I’ve always escaped into my own world, whenever things got tough or were challenging my modus operandi. In the past I would physically walk away. So, this is a step forward- I was physically present, but absent in my mind. Because of the lack of interaction with people and not having to rush around all the time, I was daydreaming most of the time. It was a perfect state of being for someone who never had enough uninterrupted time to let their thoughts loose.

However, I noticed that, by doing that, I was being at odds with my current situation. My children noticed my mental distance, I wasn’t doing anything productive in my life and I didn’t want to engage in the new norm. I tried to escape the fact that nothing is certain any more, that I am not comfortable with the unknown, that I have to put my money where my mouth is and prove my trust in the Universe. As a spiritual person, I should be able to surrender to the Higher Guidance and let it guide me. So, why do I feel threatened by the uncertainty on the face of it? Shouldn’t I know better and trust that there is a grand scheme of things and that we are all looked after at every moment of our existence? I was lead astray by fear and the abundance of my own imagination.

I will tell you what brought me back- genuine love and concern from people close to me and my body feeling exhausted. I spent almost a whole day in bed, feeling cold and shivery, exhausted and realising that I can’t carry on like that. I cannot carry on escaping from the facts of what’s waiting for me to be addressed. Being spiritual means being aware of our responsibilities, accepting them and trusting that we will be guided towards a solution. All we need to do is ask and it will be given. And, yes, trust that it will.

In love and light,


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