
Something has been playing on my mind ever since I was told it. On the way to the airport, after a family visit, my mother said something. In the context of the type of a person that I am, she said:”You’re just a dreamer, you and people like you”.

Despite it being a matter of fact type of a comment, without any hidden intent, it got to me.

Is being a dreamer a bad thing? Is it really better to always just face the facts and deal with problems, people and situations as they arise? And what about dreaming big?

How many dreamers are out there right now? I would love to hear from you.

My dream world is a perfect version of my life, everything that I want, feel, that I am. There are no limits to what can happen, time and space do not apply. I am not judged, I don’t have to explain myself, or wait for something to happen. I just think of something and it’s there. Even if I keep thinking about the same thing, it always surprises me with a new way that it comes across. It’s always fresh and new.

Some would say it’s idealistic, unrealistic, a waste of time.

To me, I am happiest when I daydream. It is a peaceful, beautiful, non judgmental, all accepting, an unconditional world. My best ideas come from it. I am free to come and go as I like and stay as long as I feel inclined to.

If someone took my dreams away, they would take a huge part of me with them. And I would have to face this 3D world, the harsh reality, the everyday happenings, without my escape, my safe space, my cushion, my perfect world, my preferred situation.

No matter how good or bad my life seems to be, I can feel my dream world waiting for me, calling me to come back to it. It is gentle, safe, loving, patient, giving, bright, optimistic. It is that calm, safe space deep inside of me that I couldn’t be without. That daily experience is keeping me sane, filled with patience and hope. I dare to say that it feels like heaven. Unlike the “real”, everyday world.

No matter what people say, I will always be a dreamer. God created me a dreamer for a reason (Lady Gaga-I was born this way). And that is something that nobody can challenge without losing the argument.

Sending you lots of love and blessings,



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