
So, what is energy healing? In order to explain it properly, I will break it down to a description of what is energy and then what is healing.

Energy is called different things from life force, to strength, vitality or power. All of us have energy body, which is a layer in our aura (energetic field around our body), reflecting the energy in our chakras/energy centres. It flows into our body through our Heart chakra, flows out of our body at the back of it and flows all around our body. It flows like that for as long as we live. We have 8 main bodily chakras or energy centres: Base, Sacral, Naval, Solar plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown. Each chakra works on it’s own and in synch with the other chakras when we are in optimum health. When we are not, is where healing comms in.

Healing is an ancient health technique that has existed as long as there has been life on this planet (notice how I don’t attribute healing to people). We haven’t invented it. Nature has. People have invented medicine. What we have have learnt right from the beginning of our existence is that all of us have the natural healing ability to improve our health to the point that we don’t feel the symptoms any more (I am not going to use the term “cure” or “heal” because some may feel like it’s a claim). Nature (plants, animals, the elements, people) contain the pure, raw and unspoiled life force. Humans tend to “spoil” it, try to restrict it, direct it and therefore make it stagnant and polluted. Hardly anyone talks about aura pollution, it’s mainly about the polluted environment. The same happens within our bodies (“As within, so without”).

A healer or a practitioner of this ancient healing technique, tunes into their client’s aura and into each chakra at the time. We can sense what the energy condition is, whether it’s stuck or stagnant, moving too slow or too fast, or at the optimum speed, whether it’s in synch with the other chakras or it’s working in isolation (that happens when we over use a particular part of our body, most typically our brain). An energy healing practitioner then works with the energy in each chakra in order to release/cleanse the stuck or stagnant energy, until they feel that it is flowing freely again. Then they move onto the next energy centre and re connects the two, until all of the energy fields/centres are free flowing in synergy.

There is so much more detail that can be brought into this conversation, but the purpose of this blog is to explain the gist of the energy healing. One quote that always springs to mind that describes it perfectly is a famous saying by Nikola Tesla:” If you want to discover the secret of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. That is the essence of energy healing. It is no secret any more.

If you want to experience it first hand, contact me for an initial consultation and a booking of a treatment. All contact details are listed on the last/contact page on my website.

I am wishing you optimum health.

Love and light,


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