
As I was resting on my sofa and looking out of my living room window, I noticed wood pigeons building a nest.

I’ve seen them building nests over the years every year in a different hiding space. One was arranging the twigs that the other one was constantly bringing to it’s partner. When the nest is finished, they lay their eggs, then take turns in looking after them. When the eggs hatch, they take turns in feeding the young and themselves. Then they teach their young all of the life skills and watch them leave the nest, maybe never to see them again. And they keep on repeating the cycle year after year, for the rest of their lives.

That made me ask myself:

  • How come that birds never worry about their young after they’ve left?
  • How can they leave building a nest for the last minute?
  • How come that they don’t have supermarkets or plant their food, yet they always have as much as they need?
  • How can they not worry about the next day or the foreseeable future?
  • How come that they find time to sing every day? and many more questions.

I guess that’s why there are sayings like: “As free as a bird”, “As happy as a lark”, “Bird’s eye view”, “Birds of a feather”, a.s.o. I wasn’t the first person to notice that we can learn from our feathered friends.

Be as it may, animals seem to know and understand the cycles of nature and just go with the flow. They feel when a natural end to a situation has come and they simply accept the change. And live on happily, saluting the Sun every morning and singing it’s lullaby every evening. Meanwhile, us humans think that we know better and go to bed full of worry about the next day.

Who’s the cleverer in this game of life? Us or nature? I am betting on nature any time.

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