
We all know in a physical sense what and where our heart is.

But, in a spiritual sense, we have two hearts- our main Heart Chakra and a Higher heart Chakra. Our Heart chakra is our main life energy entry point, that energetically feeds our whole aura.

Our Higher Heart chakra is located just behind our breast bone, above our Heart chakra. It is the seat of our soul!

Therefore, in an energetic sense, when we are ready to open our heart, it needs to be heart and soul. Otherwise, our feeling is ‘half hearted’.

So, how do we open our hearts to love?

I can only talk from my personal experience and here it goes:

It takes faith, strength, trust, conscious effort and A LOT of clearing (past hurt, pain and heart break).

Once we’ve decided that we want to FEEL again, we have to surrender to God’s/Source’s/Universe’s will to guide us through the necessary process of facing up to all of our past hurt and pain. Remember the Yin and the Yang, the good with the bad, no pain-no gain. Well, it very well applies to love too.

We cannot love if we keep our pain buried deep within our heart and soul, or if we have shut the whole thing down. There are no two ways about it- our pain has to be faced one last time, in order to be released forever.

Pain comes into our life to teach us a lesson, however big or small. By facing it, we accept that it was there, what it has taught us (so that we don’t allow ourselves to get into the same situation) and that it is time that it goes away, as it has served it’s purpose.

Do whatever it takes, in order to release the pain- exercise, sing, dance, write, draw, go for walks, meditate, talk to friends, listen to music, a.s.o. Whatever works for you to feel better, do it. And that is the key:


The more that you release, the better you feel, the more that you open up your heart and let more of the good in. Step by step, you come to the point of completely loving and accepting yourself and everyone around you.

It might seem like a lot of work, but it is definitely worth it.

Just imagine the feeling of joy, happiness, fulfilment, wholeness, calm being an every day part of you.

It is a state of bliss that you never want to leave. That is enlightenment. That is the only way forward, beautiful souls.

Lots of love,

Angela x.

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