
There are so many energetic changes happening around us and inside of us every day.

We might be aware of the physical symptoms of these energetic shifts (like headaches, dizziness, nausea, tiredness, irritability,etc.).

In order to allow the old energy to be cleared and the new flow to be received,we have to keep grounded.

I have a morning routine that I practise as soon as I get out of bed.

I ask to be connected to my Earth Star chakra (it’s below our Base chakra) in the highest possible frequency for me throughout the day.

If at any point I feel disconnected, I stop and stand up. I then imagine that I am a tree with roots going from my feet deep under ground, all the way to the centre of the Earth. After a few seconds, you should feel the soles of your feet and wether you use the whole of the sole when standing. If not, adjust/shuffle your feet so that it feels like the whole of your sole is in contact with the floor. That should keep you in balance regardless of how busy you are that day.

With much love,


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