
This is a slight diversion from my initial idea about this month’s blog. It is closely related to it, though.

Recently, going through my own self discovery and through the work with my clients, something struck me as odd. Why is it that we find listening to our body so alien? It should be the most natural thing to everyone. But it isn’t, at least not in case when you’re an adult.

This leads me to the topic of being our true, authentic self. How can you be yourself, if you don’t know who you are?! How can you know what you need if you’re disconnected from yourself?!

Well, there is no time like the present to find that out. Start wherever you are and ask yourself: “What do I feel like doing right now?” , or “How am I feeling at this moment?” They can be the simplest questions that you can think of to yourself about yourself.

Journalling really has been my go to number 1 in self understanding. My healing journey started when I wrote down my life history in terms of what impacted me as a person the most throughout my life. Since, I have been writing down my thoughts, feelings, events that have happened more recently, as well as revelations about myself and relationships in my life.

I have to admit that I wasn’t my real self in the past either. Most of my life I have been desperately trying to fit into the environment that I was in, painting a picture of who I thought people around me wanted me to be. It was stressful, it was painful and it didn’t work. It made me ill and depressed.

Dear fellow human beings, please consider coming out of your shells, your hiding places and start revealing who you truly are. Start by doing it on your own, for yourself. It isn’t about anyone else after all, or for anyone else. Do it for you, discover yourself, get to know your thoughts, feelings, wants, desires, hobbies, food preferences, how you like to use your time and energy. Focus on you for a change. I cannot emphasise this enough. Discover who you are and then be it. Otherwise, you will never be truly happy or free.

We are born free and should die free as well. But, the job of freeing ourselves from all of the conditioning falls down on us. Only we can make that decision and make it happen. And so we should, as a divine reflection in human form, starseed beings, free spirits, indestructible souls.

We are all energy and energy cannot be contained, it cannot be stopped. It’s very nature is to flow at it’s own pace, wherever it is drawn to go. I can feel it, the everlasting flow that is us, that flows through us since the universe was created and forever more. We are IT. We are the life force searching for it’s true self through space and time. And I wish for you all to find that, to find yourselves soon. So, join the flow tribe. I will meet you there.

With love and light,


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Please don’t be scarred by the title. As a spiritual being, I want to focus on looking past my physical body. I am hoping that would also give me a bit of a relief from the pain of loosing my friend and mentor very recently.

I have studied the Bible for a decade before even discovering crystals. It keeps saying that we all have a Soul and a Spirit. Jesus has died and resurrected into a life of a spirit, meaning that he left his human body and carried on living elsewhere. That is what I am trying to connect to so hard particularly now, looking, sensing, hoping for a sign that my friend has carried on living where Jesus resides.

On this spiritual quest for enlightenment, we are all meant to merge our soul (that is placed above our crown, in our aura), into our physical body. That merge is called ‘ascension’. It means that we then become a multi dimensional living being. That hasn’t been possible for a very long time for our race (some say since the fall of Atlantis) and now it is, due to the spiritual work that we have done on ourselves.

I believe in reincarnation, partially because I have had spontaneous past life recollections over the years. I keep meeting people that feel familiar. I keep having de ja vue moments. I am have been born with fears that have nothing to do with this life experiences. I have sensed, felt and heard spirits (and know of a lot of others who have experienced the same), and so on.

We are a soul having an Earthly life. We have existed many times before and will carry on existing in other forms in the future. So, why do I feel so bound by my body, my circumstances, my origin, my heritage, my past? A soul should feel happy and free. It is supposed to have a free will. How do we exercise our free will when we have responsibilities towards people, jobs, bills to pay, promises we made? All of that and much more ways us down (education or mind washing, social conditioning, traditional beliefs, upbringing, karma,…).

When you look at the whole picture, that is near an impossible task, given that our memory of any previous life has been deleted. We live in amnesia.

So, why would anyone in their right mind want to come to Earth then? The truth is that we (souls) wanted to experience all of this, so that we can appreciate how good it is up there. We have collected karma that has to be paid off. We get ‘a promotion’ or un upgrade every time we return from Earth. And, ultimately, we want to help out other souls that wouldn’t have been able to finish this task without us and vice versa. Dumb, I know, but it’s the truth. There is nothing like learning from experience that teaches you a lesson or two.

I guess one of my soul lessons was to accept that we are all one and that I would be nothing if I didn’t have the right people around me. That is the lesson that my friend, Rene, taught me. And, I know, that it goes the other way too.

Peace and love my friends.


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