
As I was resting on my sofa and looking out of my living room window, I noticed wood pigeons building a nest.

I’ve seen them building nests over the years every year in a different hiding space. One was arranging the twigs that the other one was constantly bringing to it’s partner. When the nest is finished, they lay their eggs, then take turns in looking after them. When the eggs hatch, they take turns in feeding the young and themselves. Then they teach their young all of the life skills and watch them leave the nest, maybe never to see them again. And they keep on repeating the cycle year after year, for the rest of their lives.

That made me ask myself:

  • How come that birds never worry about their young after they’ve left?
  • How can they leave building a nest for the last minute?
  • How come that they don’t have supermarkets or plant their food, yet they always have as much as they need?
  • How can they not worry about the next day or the foreseeable future?
  • How come that they find time to sing every day? and many more questions.

I guess that’s why there are sayings like: “As free as a bird”, “As happy as a lark”, “Bird’s eye view”, “Birds of a feather”, a.s.o. I wasn’t the first person to notice that we can learn from our feathered friends.

Be as it may, animals seem to know and understand the cycles of nature and just go with the flow. They feel when a natural end to a situation has come and they simply accept the change. And live on happily, saluting the Sun every morning and singing it’s lullaby every evening. Meanwhile, us humans think that we know better and go to bed full of worry about the next day.

Who’s the cleverer in this game of life? Us or nature? I am betting on nature any time.

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Something has been playing on my mind ever since I was told it. On the way to the airport, after a family visit, my mother said something. In the context of the type of a person that I am, she said:”You’re just a dreamer, you and people like you”.

Despite it being a matter of fact type of a comment, without any hidden intent, it got to me.

Is being a dreamer a bad thing? Is it really better to always just face the facts and deal with problems, people and situations as they arise? And what about dreaming big?

How many dreamers are out there right now? I would love to hear from you.

My dream world is a perfect version of my life, everything that I want, feel, that I am. There are no limits to what can happen, time and space do not apply. I am not judged, I don’t have to explain myself, or wait for something to happen. I just think of something and it’s there. Even if I keep thinking about the same thing, it always surprises me with a new way that it comes across. It’s always fresh and new.

Some would say it’s idealistic, unrealistic, a waste of time.

To me, I am happiest when I daydream. It is a peaceful, beautiful, non judgmental, all accepting, an unconditional world. My best ideas come from it. I am free to come and go as I like and stay as long as I feel inclined to.

If someone took my dreams away, they would take a huge part of me with them. And I would have to face this 3D world, the harsh reality, the everyday happenings, without my escape, my safe space, my cushion, my perfect world, my preferred situation.

No matter how good or bad my life seems to be, I can feel my dream world waiting for me, calling me to come back to it. It is gentle, safe, loving, patient, giving, bright, optimistic. It is that calm, safe space deep inside of me that I couldn’t be without. That daily experience is keeping me sane, filled with patience and hope. I dare to say that it feels like heaven. Unlike the “real”, everyday world.

No matter what people say, I will always be a dreamer. God created me a dreamer for a reason (Lady Gaga-I was born this way). And that is something that nobody can challenge without losing the argument.

Sending you lots of love and blessings,



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On 15th April, I went to a charitable fundraising event. Funds were collected for two charities. One was set up to help look after people with the Motor neurone disease.

A young man gave a speech which was about his brother who suffers from it. At one point he said (what was told to them by doctors) that it was incurable. That sounded hopeless, as if anyone with that disease of any age, background, heritage, ability, etc. has identical destiny. There is no cure and therefore, let us help those people feel as comfortable and looked after as possible, until their premature death.

Now, that struck a cord in me. I felt like standing up and saying that there is always hope. But I didn’t.Not just because it would embarrass my family who were also present, but because people weren’t prepared to hear it. And it wasn’t my pitch.

That reminded me of how and why I started researching into available alternatives to conventional healthcare. It was when my son was born and suffered from various food allergies and everything that accompanies them (digestive issues, skin problems, pain and discomfort). I had to switch my intuition on, as a newborn baby can only cry if something isn’t right. It was down to me to find out the cause and to find an alternative way so that they don’t suffer. Conventional doctors weren’t able to help much, so my journey into the word of alternative medicine and general clean lifestyle began. I ventured into a Chinese medicine practitioner’s office and never looked back. I also took a chance on Homeopathy, which also worked beautifully. I had to read all food labels when food shopping, in order to avoid the allergens. It was a minefield at the beginning, as I discovered that milk was in 80% of all products that we were buying, as well as eggs and soya.

Now that my son is old enough, he is continuously choosing what is best for him (he is a vegan now and has embraced the world of sport and general exercise).

Therefore, there is always hope and a way forward. I know that some conditions and diseases are more life threatening and serious. But, my son’s condition would have deteriorated and caused some of those serious diseases if we didn’t find what works for him. That is my point.

There is always a way. We just need to go within and let our inner feeling guide us.


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There are so many energetic changes happening around us and inside of us every day.

We might be aware of the physical symptoms of these energetic shifts (like headaches, dizziness, nausea, tiredness, irritability,etc.).

In order to allow the old energy to be cleared and the new flow to be received,we have to keep grounded.

I have a morning routine that I practise as soon as I get out of bed.

I ask to be connected to my Earth Star chakra (it’s below our Base chakra) in the highest possible frequency for me throughout the day.

If at any point I feel disconnected, I stop and stand up. I then imagine that I am a tree with roots going from my feet deep under ground, all the way to the centre of the Earth. After a few seconds, you should feel the soles of your feet and wether you use the whole of the sole when standing. If not, adjust/shuffle your feet so that it feels like the whole of your sole is in contact with the floor. That should keep you in balance regardless of how busy you are that day.

With much love,


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By Tim Whild

‘As soon as your feet touch the floor, stand upright with your eyes closed and your hands on your heart chakra. Bring your attention to your Earth Star and ask it to hold the highest frequency possible for you during the day.
Your Earth Star will respond by anchoring your light at 5D.
Call in the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to wash through your bodies and fields. Just relax for a few moments as the Violet Flame clears any debris or clearing that you might have done in the night.
Call in the Fire Dragons to blaze a path ahead of you throughout your day. They will clear any negative energy before you encounter it.

Ask Archangel Gabriel to place a Diamond of Purity around your bodies and fields…just relax for a few moments as he does this.
Invoke Archangel Metatron for a 100% Light Quotient increase in your chakras, bodies and fields and feel yourself lighting up immediately. Ask Metatron to keep an eye on your light throughout your day and top up if your vibration drops.
You are now ready for your day!’

I will add to thank your Earth Star, Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame, Fire Dragons, Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Metatron for their help/assistance.

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17th January 2019

Today has been a day full of powerful lessons/reminders.

I met up with someone that reminded me of the importance of having energetic boundaries.
No matter how much we care for someone, taking on their stress doesn’t help them and it certainly doesn’t help us.

I was born an empath and have always thought that empathising, i.e. tuning into someone’s feelings is what caring people do.
What that does is leave the recipient full of stress and worry about their friend, loved one, whoever it is.
After that particular meeting I was a shivering wreck.

Because I was out of alignment, two other people contacted me asking questions and favours of me. I could feel a build up of anxiety and had to stop all that I was doing and sit down in a meditation with a large Amethyst cluster.

Why do we put a pressure on ourselves to please others?

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9th November 2018


A lesson that has been with me for some time now is:


I am working on integrating it.


What has also been emerging, as of yesterday is: RESPONSIBILITY for my thoughts and deeds.

In order to grow up, i.e. mature and to be able to manifest for my highest good, I need to accept the part that I play in creating my daily life.

And, at the same time, remembering the bigger picture (my contract and personal mission).

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The following prayer is adapted upon a channeled communication from the (archangel) Urial, which comes from the book Remarkable Healings by Shakuntala Modi. This prayer should be said aloud:

I request my Higher-Self, my guardian angels and the highest levels of Light to remove all earthbound, demon, and other entities, dark shields, dark energies, dark devices, and dark connections from my body, my aura, my soul and my connection to my Higher-Self. I affirm that it done now.

I request my Higher-Self, my guardian angels and the highest levels of Light to fill all those areas where entities have been removed with the highest levels of love, light, forgiveness, healing, and balance. I affirm that it done now.

I request my Higher-Self, my guardian angels and the highest level of Light to remove all earthbound, demon and other entities from my home, workplace, places of recreation, cars and everything in them and fill all those areas with the highest levels of love, light, forgiveness, healing and balance. I affirm that it done now.

I request my Higher-Self, my guardian angels and the highest levels of Light to plug all holes, tunnels within me and within my surroundings and cars to fill all those areas where entities have been removed with the highest levels of love, light, forgiveness, healing, and balance. I affirm that it done now.

I thank my Higher-Self, my guardian angels and the highest level of Light for all of the support that I receive and affirm my intention to dedicate myself to aligning my life to the karmic plan of my Spirit for this present incarnation and to reject all links with demonic entities, demonic energies, and humans under their influence.

“As this prayer is said visualise a column of dazzling, shimmering, vibrant, white, liquid Light, or the sun’s Light, coming down from above your head and filling your whole body, cleansing and healing every part, every cell, and every organ of your body. If you cannot visualise or imagine it, just affirm that this is done and it will be so.

Visualise or imagine this highest level of Light spreading out from your core soul essence within you and extending out for arm’s length around your body, below your feet, above your head, in front of you and behind you and on both sides of your body creating a bubble of brilliant white Light all around you. Then visualise or imagine that this Light is covered by spiritual reflective mirrors, facing out and covered with rays of shimmering Light all around you.”

(Modi, 1997 p.287)

Modi, S. (1997) Remarkable Healings, Hampton Rhodes Publishing Company, Inc

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11th December 2018

Today I decided to let go and let flow. I literally can’t take in any more information to process.

Too many updates, too much to let go- then take in and over and over again.

So, I am letting go completely. Whatever comes next is meant for me and I will deal with it when it comes. Not before.

Right now, I am hurting. My son has expressed his feelings about our family life and I have realised that I feel the same.

That has been our family life for years. Continue reading Let go and let flow

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