
It is easy to be positive when things are going well. But, when we’re in the third lockdown not knowing when we will be able to carry on with our life, it’s tough.

So, when I woke up this morning, an inspiring video by Diana Cooper on being positive came up on Youtube. I watched it and my whole world has shifted. She explains in simple terms how our thoughts, our inner dialogue, our beliefs and the words that we use influence what happens in our life.

I used to buy into destiny and I, admittedly, was of a victim mentality. But, once I started thinking in terms of energy, frequency and vibration (kudos to Nikola Tesla, who mentioned it first), it became clear to me that we attract what we emit. Basically, it is like tuning into a radio station (a bit old fashioned, but you get what I mean), you receive the exact station that you’ve tuned into.

Now, figuring something out (or getting it mentally) is one thing, but applying it into my life on a daily basis was another. We have so many programmes stored in our subconscious and active in our conscious mind that it takes a while to re-program ourselves. Shadow work, inner reflection, observing my thoughts, reactions and feelings, creating new healthier habits, clearing the old (thoughts, habits, feelings, memories, beliefs) are just some of the things that have to be done, in order to change one’s mindset.

I am not going to preach on anyone, we are all human and every single one of us on the planet has lessons to learn and unlearn. It is as simple as that. The lessons might be different, but the work that’s needed is the same. It all starts with us and ends with us. It all starts with our attitude, with a willingness to change ourselves for the better, so that we can attract better into our lives.

One crucial thing that I have to mention separately in all this is gratitude. I wrote about this recently and my client and a friend, Rosemary, is absolutely right-being grateful undeniably changes one’s life for the better. Being grateful every day basically means noticing, acknowledging the gifts and all of the good that comes into our life every single day. On some days it may be the basics, like the roof over our head and food on our table. It is, nevertheless, more than homeless have on any day. On other days, like it has been today for me, there are countless blessings that made me feel on top of the world.

So, whatever you do, dear people, be grateful and keep working on yourself. Good work is never completely done, for as long as there is war, hunger, and global crisis of any kind. It’s all a reflection of our inner world, our outdated beliefs.

We can make a difference that we want to see in the world (Mahatma Gandhi).

With love and light,


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My last year’s December blog was “2019-a year to remember”. I think that we can all safely say that year 2020 beats it by a mile.

So, what has this year taught me?

I can say that it has taught me for sure to live in the moment.

Life used to be very orderly, planned out, sequential and predictable. In all honesty, it has become simply boring. Everything was about other people, from the nearest and dearest to the wider community. My time and energy were completely spent on thinking about the past, present and future, worrying, stressing, running around and trying to make everyone happy, to meet other peoples’ expectations.

Running around came to a sudden halt at the end of March, when the first lockdown began. I was feeling rebellious, as my healing practice just started to take off properly. I was thriving. So, what good was sitting at home going to do for me or my clients? I had plans for every day and was looking forward to get up and make a difference in someone else’s life.

Well, guess what- I forgot that I need just as much care and attention every day. So, I started going in, listening to my feelings, focusing back on myself, my needs (mind, body and soul). I slowed right down and listened to my body. If it needs rest, I rest, if I’m hungry, I make something nutritious to eat, if I want to be by myself, I go for a walk or read in my room, if I feel like listening to loud music, I create a playlist and blast it from my phone,…

I started evaluating my relationships and distancing from people who I felt took too much of my energy. I went on shamanic retreats, tried all sorts of healing techniques to help my body, mind and soul to heal. After all, what good is a healer if they stop working on healing themselves?

As a result, I feel fulfilled, I look good, I feel strong, I choose what I want to spend my time and energy on, I feel connected, happy, inspired. I have been able to look back and take the lessons out of situations, write them down and apply the wisdom in my life and pass it on to others.

Lockdowns have liberated me, by giving me time to look into my deepest self and embrace it. What I have discovered inside of me is love for myself and everyone else, love for nature and gratitude for each and every moment of my life. I don’t think about what’s gone, nor do I worry about what the future might bring. I just live my life every day, moment by moment and feel grateful for it, whatever it brings my way.

Love and light to all of you, my brothers and sisters,


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